Thursday, 30 May 2019

Poems/Poesie Sea/See

Viewing Points

When you’re on an island
Or even once you reach a coast
You can see what it really is you’re living on
You see a side of the earth here

It’s the perspective of the land from the edge
So go to a coastline, have a look at sea-level
Look at the land from the edge
See at this level, look out for this dimension

Sea-points, viewing points, edges
Cutting edges that cut out the shadows of the moment
The surfaces of unconsciousness, in favour of
Direct, immediate exposure: sea-level to deep sea

Then there’s another possibility, a way of finding
What’s below: ground level to cave
Go there to seek your unconscious, you’re closer here
In this inside-oasis

Here you might find
That, overall, points of view
Are really points of you
And your hand, your palm, mirrors and echoes the landscape
With each line a river.
                                                          © Ursula Troche, 4.17

Seaside Insight

Seaweed grew tall
In the light of the evening sun
Gaining in height
As part of the ontology of the sea
And its attendant
Symphony of the land

Music and knowledge
Have made the landscape into what it is
Giving voice to the dream of the earth
Sending messages up to the feet of the seaweed
Growing into meaning-making
At the edge of the land

Land-listening occurs
Landscape longing, I move to the end of land-ness
Taking this as a vantage point for our connectedness
With the sea, the seaweed, the world and the sun signs
Of growth, for the light is the midwife of all bloom
And water is another: essential element of energy
Nurturing, night and day, enacting freshness

Sea-listening occurs just as much
With my insight from the seaside side by side
With the land, looming large, and where invisible
Continuing under the sea, land everywhere
Seen and unseen, with our without sea.  
                                                                        © Ursula Troche, 4.17

Seal Silence

The sound of the seals
Articulate the silence
So silence has attained a wide scope
Of meaning, interpretation and fascination

This side of the northern, sea, this seaside
Echoes the sound of seals, magnifying the magic
Of life in tune with the sounds of silence
                                                                             © Ursula Troche, 4.17


Open ended, open minded
You recommended the sky
As a space to concentrate on
A place to look up to
Unsuprisingly, wholeheartedly

I’d never expected to do just this,
And for long periods of time,
But there was a lot going on there
Clouds and birds and sun and moon

And even my hand, when I hold it up
I wave with it, addressing the sky
And perhaps I even
Make waves with it

Sky-waves, like airwaves
Transmission waves, waves like brushstrokes
On the beach, painting the land as it washes it
A special form of ephemeral water colour painting

And so we have reached the water
Waves operate in two dimensions, two elements
Agents of motion, wave-levels:
Air-level plus water-level equals wave-level

Movement guaranteed
Its equations, reflections and reverberations too!

Sky, like the sea
Blue at last!
                                                                            © Ursula Troche, 4.17

Water Forms

Water forms, not water falls: water-rivers even sometimes. Sometimes water even rises evenly, sometimes it rises suddenly, and sometimes it rises like this:

I divided the patches of grass and the patches of trees into water and land whilst sitting in a train in Poland. It’s the longevity of the view of exclusively grass and tree patches.

I’ve been imagining more and more spaces of water in my life: I’ve been thinking about the times I keep still for a life modelling pose as water – posing the process of swimming from one water’s edge to another, and the times around the pose as land-time, normal time, solid space. It’s exacerbated by the keeping of silence and nakedness whilst posing, the resumption of talking and of being dressed when not posing. When a pose finishes, I stop being dipped and submerged into my inner life on this intensive, intriguing and immense level.

© Ursula Troche, 12.16

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